Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Voltage Divider

In this lab we are to determine the characteristics of the Unregulated Power Supply given an acceptable range of variation of the bus voltage. Given the model below we are to calculate the required values that will function if only one load is ON.

 We are given that R= R= R= 1K ohms and that anywhere from one to all three loads may be on at any time. We determined REQ,max = 1K ohms and REQ,min = 1/3 K ohms. VBUS,max = 5.25V VBUS,min = 4.75V VS = 6.53V RS = 45.45 ohms. IBUS,max = 6.25 mA IBUS,min = 17.25 mA. We follow through by implementing our design and got the following results.

There was a 5.5% and an 0.8% voltage variation which is different from our design goal because of our use of an unregulated power supply.
Adding another 1k ohm load will have no affect on the load voltage because its in parallel.

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